Monday, April 1, 2019

VOICE | Hello, April: Introducing a New Theme

If March was a month of taking a step back from writing to focus on the ESSENTIALS of life, then I want April to be filled with words.

Words, loads of them, rough draft sentences or polished phrases, I want them all. This month, I don't want to let my focus shift to perfectionism and hold me back from actually Writing the Things. My words may not be perfect every time, or even some of the time, but they're still my words, and I'd rather write them and express them then keep them neatly folded into unread pages and unpublished drafts.

So: I am hitting publish on this post in hopes that declaring April as a writing month will inspire me to follow through and make it work!

The theme for this month is VOICE. With my April posts, I want to celebrate everything expression, whether that takes the form of music or writing or speaking words of encouragement into someone's life. More to come soon, but for now, enjoy your April, hug a friend, and remember to go outside and sit in the sunshine for a bit, because that can do wonders for the soul.

What about you?

What are you looking forward to in April - any special goals? The picture up above was from the Hozier concert, by the way, which was EPIC, my word! P.S. If you have any post ideas you'd like me to write up this month, I'd love to hear them. Until next time, friends!


  1. Really like this theme and I'm looking forward to reading your words! ♡

    1. Thank you so much! :) <3 I'm excited about all the posts to come! Hope you've been having a stellar start to your April.

  2. I think I need to do something similar, I've been letting the idea of perfection hold me back a lot.

    1. You are 100% not the only one! It's really tough with social media, especially, because we instantly have all these different standards of living and beauty and talent thrust before us. I'm praying that you can find some time to relax and get a break from all the noise!!

  3. I love the theme for this month!! I feel like it's coming at a really good time for me. I've been wrestling with perfectionism when it comes to writing. XD You have impeccable timing.

    1. So glad you like it! You are definitely not the only one who wrestles with that. I took basically all of March off and have hesitated to share words on this space anymore, so I totally relate. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Evangeline! Can't wait to draft new posts for this month. :)

  4. Great idea for a theme! My goal this month is to get Red Hood ready for submission with my agent and it's so close to that! Squee!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so happy for you. :D I hope that you're having a great April and that the book prep is coming along. Congrats!!


Go with grace.