In keeping with tradition on Ye Olde Blog, I look back at the past year in bite-size form. I also have links to my old look-back posts for 2017, 2015, 2014 and 2013 in the archives. (How have I been blogging this long?!)
Personal Life
*Me just trying to navigate 2018 like...*
In so many ways, 2018 was a year of transformation and trial. And the Lord gently moving me to the next phase of life even when I was at times (very) resistant. 2018 was the year I cut my hair, the year I started working full-time in marketing, the year I took road trips and talked to new people and SERIOUSLY WROTE. So much has happened this year that I have yet to unpack: Leaving my home church and taking root at a new one, turning 25 and feeling genuinely renewed, weathering various trials and watching as the Lord wove it all together into something full of joy.
This year I also started a second (mini) blog to document my 25th year.
It's odd - when I look back on the year and see where I started and where I am now, I don't feel like quite the same person. Yet all of this growth took place days a time, little by little, so it happened almost without my even noticing it. WHICH IS SO STRANGE. Suffice it to say I've learned *A LOT* this year, from insights about friendship, the importance of driving out of town limits for sanity's sake, and yes, this was the year I discovered the glories of Starbucks iced coffee.
2018 in Music

Earlier this month, I wrote an in-depth post about my favorite 2018 records, and let me just say, there were quite a lot of lovely albums released this year that I didn't even have space to talk about. Some of my favorites from this year included the new Tom Odell record and, of course, the much-anticipated LP from twenty one pilots. I could honestly talk about music for hours so if you have any recommendations from this year or #StrongOpinions about music or albums in general, TALK TO ME IN THE COMMENTS. *eagerly awaits musical conversation*
2018 in Books

This year, I re-read the Harry Potter series and got into reading personal essays, a first for me. Some of my favorite reads this year were the last two Harry Potter books, a re-read of the Hunger Games and Every Day by David Levithan. A complete list of my 2018 reads can be found here.
Random 2018 Favorites
Listening to podcasts
Reading in my spare time
Updating my wardrobe with quality clothes
Taking road trips alone or with my sisterLearning to embrace change and a new season
Shout-out to iced coffee for making my life possible
What about you?
What kinds of things were you crazy about in 2018? What did you learn this year?
I can't thank you enough for reading, you guys. I hope 2019 is good to you. I'm looking forward to sharing a new surprise coming to the blog real, real soon. ♥