Hi, friends! Are we really halfway through 2018 already?
I wrote back in January about my goals for Ye Olde Blog, then promptly poofed from the Internet. Life has been busy, but I wanted to stop back in to see how everyone is doing. And if you're new here, nice to meet you! Hello, good people of the Interwebz. ♥
A summary of the past five months, now in mini bite-size pieces:
Ok, so I was going to write a short summary but in all honesty, I just want to give #madprops to this "Africa" cover by Weezer. Respect.
In all seriousness, taking time away from the blog has shown me the beauty of living offline and pursuing quietness, rest and creativity. But now I'm ready to come back to this space again. :)
A few new fun things on the blog include a handy-dandy updated mission statement, and (announcement time!) A NEW BLOG INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT. *throws confetti* While I post every now and then on my personal Instagram account, I wanted to create a blog-specific Instagram to interact with you guys more and share little encouragements throughout the week.
What about you guys? What has your summer been like so far? Is there anything you'd like me to post about on the blog in the future? Look out for more posts in the Creatives Project series soon!