Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Creatives Project #1: Julia Ryan

Hello, friends!!

Today is a really exciting day on the blog - it's the official launch of the Creatives Project! I've been so pleased and encouraged by everyone who has reached out in an email or left a sweet comment about this project, and I can't wait to kick it off TODAY! Now, without further ado, please give a big warm welcome to our first creative, Julia Ryan of the barefoot gal and Twilight to Dawn!

What made you want to start blogging?

"I love words and books and pictures and storytelling and friends so basically, I fell in love with it before I knew what blogging was! When I started on this journey, there were not too many lifestyle or writer teen bloggers out there yet. I totally am excited with the large community now." 

What are your favorite topics to blog about?

"Passionate stuff. They are the posts I pour myself into. I know a lot of times that it's something that I need to hear and so I hope it will help someone else as well. And I love how open my readers are to my spontaneous topics! Because I get to be 100% goofy in one post, while the next is all-out serious."

How do you balance art, blogging, work/school and life in general?

"For the past almost two years, I publish a new post on the barefoot gal every 4-5 days. There were a few times where that wasn't consistent (i.e. vacation and grad trip) but overall, it's been a refreshing pattern to keep! The balance was hard during my junior year, but since I broke free of the stress of it, I've found I have to make time for my creative [pursuits] otherwise I'll dry up in every other space of my life. I've worked two jobs since May of this hasn't always been easy, but I can 100% say it's worth it for me!"

If you were an instrument, which would you be and why?

"To be honest, I love the fiddle, so I'll say that."

If you could only pursue one creative project or medium for the rest of your life, one and only one, which would it be and why?

  "Writing. I can answer that without hesitation. It is my greatest joy to spill words onto paper (or type them, hehe) because WOW, words mean so many different things to different people. I love love love perspective."

Who or what inspires you to create?

"For my poetry, it is generally a thought or a few words that a friend/sister/human says to me, or what I see in life around me. But most of the time, it's the sky. I cannot get over how many times I look up and get this overwhelming urge of inspiration."

What art of your own are you most proud of and why?

"Though sometimes I look at that even and think it's lame! But...the reason why is, I didn't KNOW I could write poetry. I thought I knew all of my creative angles. I was wrong."

Julia's Advice for Creatives:

"Don't stick with what you know. My first novel was a western because that's what I mainly read. My second was a contemporary (which I hardly read!) and I feel so much more love for that book. Creatives are supposed to be that - creative! The "box" isn't meant for us....[You can] give up on feeling like you've got to be perfect on your first try. And give up your worries about failing. I like to say it's good to fail, because in the end, you'll have grown way more than if you got it right on the first attempt."

Thank you so much Julia for being the very first blogger in the Creatives Project! I loved reading your answers and adored these gorgeous photos. Y'all, give Julia's blogs some love here and here!

Want to be the next blogger featured on the Creatives Project? Find out more information here! What inspires YOU to create? I have to second Julia on the sky. Breathtaking sunsets have my heart. 


  1. All of her answers were so good, I want to go back and change mine to be just like her's! XD

    1. Dude, your answers were awesome, too! Can't wait to post your interview next! :) <3

  2. I absolutely love this series already!

    1. Thank you so much! It's been a lot of fun so far. :D

  3. AHHH THIS POST WAS SO EPIC! <3 Great job girls! I am inspired. <3-<3

    Also; I see that you're currently reading Turtles All The Way Down. ;) I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    xx Kenzie

    1. Thank you so much! Glad you liked it. :) YES I am! I usually wait for books to come to the library instead of buying them but oh my word, I had to buy this one. I can't wait to finish it. :D


    I'm honored.
    I'm so so so honored. Yup. That about sums it up. BUT tbh, I just want to the world to know how amazing Erin is + what she's doing here. GOLD. JUST GOLD.


    1. You are the bomb! Thank you so SO much for being part of this series. Loved your answers and aesthetic photos and just everything about this interview was glorious. Thanks again!! <3

  5. Julia is a wonderfully creative person, and her advice is so good! I think sometimes the best things happen when we're outside our comfort zones.

    Thanks to both of you, and yay for the creatives project! I'm looking forward to meeting more people and being inspired by their awesomeness. xx

    1. She is awesome! And you're totally right about getting outside of your comfort zone. That's one of the hardest things for me, but whenever I do branch out, everything always works out.

      Thank you so much for reading and your sweet comment! :) I can't wait to post the next blogger in the series!

  6. This is awesome. Love this post. Its so cool to see what inspires others.


    1. Thank you so much! :) I agree - it's so interesting to get insight into everyone's different creative processes. Thanks for commenting! <3

  7. Ahhh, this series is going to be so good. I love it already.

  8. AWESOMEAWESOMEAWESOME. Also dreadfully late with the commenting, but AGAIN I am so in love with this project and you both killed it with the first interview!!

    1. Thank you so much! :) That means a lot! <3 And no worries about late commenting whatsoever!! :)

  9. AAH I love this! Julia is so so good with her words and I love reading her blogs! (Also I love this series!)

    1. Aw, glad you like it! :) She's the bomb! Thank you so much for commenting. <3

  10. I'm obsessed with your new series already. <3


Go with grace.