Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Importance of Creative Rest

Hello, friends.

I wanted to discuss something today that has been on my heart for a while now: the importance of creative rest. When I graduated college in May, I took a break from blogging and jumped headfirst into writing my novel. When I wasn't running or working or reading, I was writing. And when I wasn't writing, I was crying thinking about my characters and plot and whether or not first or third person was better, and so many writerly things that I thought my head was going to explode.

All this to say: My constant creative pursuit wasn't healthy.

I think that as creatives, we sometimes believe the lie that we always have to be "on" or "productive" or have great projects in the works. But it's not true. In fact, constantly trying to be creative or churn out projects is draining. I'll be honest, there were many days I would come home from work and just collapse in bed and not know how I was going to write. I had no creative juices, no energy. I wasn't getting enough sleep or spending enough time with friends or the Lord.

But it's not my life's purpose to be creative.
It's to know Christ and make Him known.

I think one reason I put so much pressure on myself to finish my novel was that I thought if I didn't, my life's purpose wouldn't be fulfilled. But my identity and purpose is not in writing. I am a human and friend and daughter of the King first. God has given us the ability to create, and it is wonderful, but when creativity becomes our main focus, it's not sustainable. We have to allow ourselves to rest. 

"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

Love that comma after "Be still." Love the pause that it implies.

Part of the creative process, I think, is stepping back from your work and letting yourself recharge. It might sound counterproductive, but it's not. Over the past few months sans blogging, I have learned that there is something to be said for rest. There is something to be said for putting down your pen or keyboard and going for a walk. For going out to dinner with friends. For watching a movie with your family. For reading your Bible. For taking an early morning run. For eating ice cream.

You don't have to try and save the world, creatives.
We're not super-humans here and we don't have to try to be.
Your own well-being should ALWAYS come before creativity.

I am still learning what it means to rest, but know this: You don't have to live the life of the perfect Supremely Creative Person, because that person doesn't exist. No one human being can sustain a sleep-deprived existence and just keep going and going and going, inspiring others and working and writing and GAH! It is more than okay to take quiet breaks and walk with the Lord and accept a creative slump as a veritable gift. This is what I am learning, and what I want for my life going forward.

What about you?

What do you think of creative rest? Do you struggle with trying to be a Supremely Creative Person as well? TELL ME I'M NOT ALONE


  1. You are right! There is nothing wrong with taking a creative rest! (although it might be hard for some) it will come in handy when you put the pen back in contact with paper. Creative rest is as useful as a summer away from school work can be!

    1. It's definitely difficult for me. I have to make myself step away from projects because I just love to be busy! I love the summer away from school analogy - thanks for commenting. :)

  2. You are so so so not alone. That feeling of needing to save the world, or being responsible to keep creating, or of not fulfilling your purpose if you take a break ... I get it. I've felt that, and I'm thankful for this post!

    (also, PS, your sidebar says you're reading "The Opposite of Loneliness" - let me know what you think when you're done!! I liked that one :) )

    1. EXACTLY! I'm so glad someone else gets it. I put so much pressure on myself with creativity sometimes and that can take away from the joy of it. Seriously so glad you get this, because it can be an isolating feeling.

      YES! I am almost done with it, and so far, it has been incredible. I love her youthful voice and perspective and I think it's worth owning. One of my fave reads this year! :D

  3. Aw man. I need to work on not feeling like I always have to be feeling 'productive' but should take the time to be still. Thank you for sharing your words, Erin!


    1. Yes, being still is something I'm learning right now, too. I'm very thankful for rest and weekends! :) Thanks for your sweet comment, I appreciate it!!

  4. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD REMINDER. It's so easy to forget that we don't have to spend our entire lives just chugging out content and new projects, but it's so important to take breaks to breathe and be still. Thanks for this, Erin. <3

    1. Thank you! :) <3 I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Productivity is awesome and all, but sometimes I just need to step away from the words and recharge. And pray!

  5. I completely agree! I am the type of person that as soon as I am done with a project will dive right into the next one and not stop, which in the end, harms the project because I end up being not on my A game.

    I definitely need to take breaks and let my mind unwind (while not placing crazy high expectations on myself). :)

    1. That's me, too! My family has literally had to tell me to step back and just take a break. Which is hard when you really want to create, but I think rest and stillness are super necessary.

      I totally agree about not placing too high of expectations on yourself, either. Thank you so much for commenting! :) <3

  6. Erin, I just... you're basically my superhero, 'kay? Your posts are inspiring and the verses that you insert just speak to my soul. This April I totally overworked myself and those expectations I weren't meeting caused me to label myself as a failure and then came the tears and ugh it just wasn't good. xD

    But thank you for this reminder with your beautiful words. YOU'RE JUST A FIREBALL OF INSPIRATION. <3

    katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. This comment literally made my day! Thank you so much! I'm so glad the Lord could use it. I totally relate....that is EXACTLY how I felt! When I didn't live up to my own high standards, I started to break down. It's the double edged sword of creative productivity, I suppose. It's always good to take a break and relax!

      Thank you so much! Seriously such an encouraging comment. You rock!! <3

  7. I really agree with this - I often work so hard on my own novel I often forget to cling to God and His word more then my own crazy idea that accomplishment will complete me, when really it's only Jesus who can truly make me happy. <3

    1. I feel ya - I think the Word is the perfect way to combat the stress of over-creating! And I love that the Lord wants us to be still and rest. Thanks for relating and commenting, I really appreciate it. :) <3

  8. Creative rest is very important. I get burnout if I just keep going and going without rest. I try to always leave the last hour of the night before I go to sleep for just rest and I'm taking one day a week to just not do anything and rest myself. It's helped a lot!

    1. Me too! I like that - the last hour should be quiet, contemplative. That's something I want to pursue, too. I love the idea of one day a week to recharge and relax. I've been trying to pack too much into each day, so this really resonates. Great ideas! Thank you! :D

  9. Ahhhhwwwhhhhhh I love this post <3 I've been working through this all summer and it's so hard. I keep swinging back and forth - needing to take a break, finally taking a break and then hating that i feel so disconnected from what I consider my purpose, then getting back into it and just....yeah, it's hard to find the peace and balance.

    1. Thank you! I feel the same way. It's tough, knowing when to rest. I think you have to fill the process with prayer and pauses...taking time to nap, eat good foods, take a walk, visit with family and friends, and then come back to it. It can help refill your mind and give you good ideas! Thanks for commenting! :)

  10. What a great post Erin! Apart from these beautiful photos, I really felt your writing - went through the same, putting myself under pressure just because I thought time and life were passing too fast. So I deleted some social media accounts and spent less time with people but now I think I recovered haha!
    Lots of love :))

    1. Thank you! :) I think deleting social media is a perfect way to detox and take a step back. I am nearing that point, to be honest. It's nice to spend time resting and recharging in the offline world and then come back inspired. Thanks for commenting! :) <3

  11. Ahhhh this post. Every word of it is SO TRUE. Thank you, Erin, for the encouraging words!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! :) I appreciate it! <3


Go with grace.