I was listening to twenty one pilots' Vessel album yesterday (#throwbacks) and found myself paying more attention to the lyrics than usual. This part of "Car Radio" really jumped out at me:

"There are things we can do, but from the things that work there are only two. And from the two that we choose to do, peace will win, and fear will lose."

That last line is especially important, because lately I have been swallowed up by fear. I regularly struggle with worry, that's nothing new, but in the past week, my anxiety has grown into a gentle terror. This has something to do with the fear of the unknown (I got a second job as the News Editor of my college's student newspaper and I am reallllllly nervous), but possibly also my lack of peace and trust in the Lord.
It's odd; I know in my head that everything is going to be alright, but not knowing what will happen, or even how it will happen, can send me into a bout of fear. I was thinking about that this morning while listening to this song from Paramore's Riot! album ("I try to patch things up again, to calm my tears and kill these fears").
Then, after my morning devo and bowl of cinnamon blueberry oatmeal (#praise), God gave me this verse:

"For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'"
~ Romans 8:15
~ Romans 8:15

I love when God sends me verses like this. I regularly check the Verse of the Day site (check it out, it's pretty rad), and many times the Scriptures posted there just sing to my heart. Not to mention that yesterday's Daily Bread passage included this verse:

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
~ Matthew 6:34
~ Matthew 6:34

Ok, God, I get it. I don't need to have any fear. I know I'm far from finished learning this lesson, but it's nice to know regardless that I have a God who wants me to allow Him to give me His power and peace.
+ What about you? How do you handle fears and worries? Do you have a favorite song that addresses anxiety? And what is your favorite breakfast food?
+ What about you? How do you handle fears and worries? Do you have a favorite song that addresses anxiety? And what is your favorite breakfast food?
fear has been the biggest struggle Ive dealt with in my life. I mean, like with bad anxiety and panic attacks. the whole deal. and that line from twenty one pilots just gets to me every time. I get chills when I hear it. I tell that to myself every time I start to feel worried or anxious or scared. I actually really want those lyrics as tattoo some day :)
ReplyDeletebeautiful post. 10/10 do agree.
trust in the Lord, friend <3
Wow, thank you for leaving such a powerful and wonderful comment! I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with panic attacks and prolonged feelings of fear! You should definitely get the lyric as a tattoo. I think that would be really special :)
DeleteThanks again for your kind words! I'll try my best to trust :)
YAAAAS THANK YOU FOR THIS. <3 Well first... um... TWENTY ONE PILOTS. *flails* Car Radio is one of my favorites by them it's just so loaded and deep. That line you quoted in particular tho = mindblowwwwn.
ReplyDeleteI definitely struggle with some of the same stuff. Fear is like a hole that I oftentimes know exactly where it is but I fall in it anyway and I know that I'm falling in but I can't stop it. But I guess what helps me is just bringing myself back to the center that is Christ in me. Knowing that He is real and cannot be threatened. <3
thank you for sharing this, Erin :)
*hugs and waffles*
p.s. i lOVE THIS NEW ROCK ON CURSOR <3333333
Their lyrics are so applicable. It's actually pretty amazing to isolate the lyrics without the music and just read...idk, it's just poetry.
DeleteMmm, I know what you mean. Once I fall into that hole, it's like an endless "Woe is me" cycle. But I love the way you wrote that - "Knowing that He is real and cannot be threatened." He truly can't.
Thanks for reading! :D <3
Isn't it the bomb?! It makes me smile!!
I can totally relate. It seems as though my eyes have been a bit too focused on what I have to do, and so I take my eyes off of the Lord and the peace He can bring. Sometimes my reminder comes in a way of a song that comes on the radio, or a verse that will be on my Pinterest dashboard, or even just those still, small revelations that mean the world. He is so merciful to always give us what we need. :)
ReplyDeleteHave you ever hard Walk on the Water by Britt Nicole?
My favorite breakfast food is waffles. Though I'm off of gluten and dairy, so the waffles I have eaten recently just aren't quite the same.
What you just said totally reminded me of a verse -- fixing my eyes on Christ, the author and perfecter of my faith. That's part of a verse I'm memorizing! So good, so true. And I love when He gives us those tiny yet massive reminders :)
DeleteI have not! I need to go look it up!
Oooh, waffles. Blueberry waffles are the jam! Now you've got me craving some :)
I'VE BEEN GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING!!!!!! I'm moving out (kinda) and have so many ministry and academic opportunities this semester, which excited me! But it also scares me, because it is something I cannot do alone. I realized, though, that this fear may not signal that we chose the wrong path but that we chose the right path. We shouldn't stay in this fear, but we should let it be a signal to us that God's got this.
ReplyDeleteMan, didn't expect to write a blog post in this comment (but I already have one about fear in the schedule). I just want to encourage you like you encouraged me!!!
Really?! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Congrats on moving out! And on all the cool opportunities. It IS exciting. It's like the beginning of a great and unknown adventure!
DeleteMan, you're so wise. I love that:
"I realized, though, that this fear may not signal that we chose the wrong path but that we chose the right path."
WOW! That is so powerful!! If we can't handle it, only God can. And our circumstances are to draw us closer -- and to make us more brave.
Epiphany! :D
Thank you so much! Never apologize for long comments - I love them. :) And you truly did encourage me. Can't wait to read your post! Thanks again!!
"It's odd; I know in my head that everything is going to be alright, but not knowing what will happen, or even how it will happen, can send me into a bout of fear."
ReplyDeleteTHIS. THIS IS ME. I'm so fearful, and lately it seems to only be getting worse. Working on trusting that God's got this.
Thank you for this lovely post, Erin:)
I'm so glad you can relate! I mean, not glad that you are fearful, but it's nice to know that we are all human, and all in this together. #HighSchoolMuiscal #IWentThere
DeleteI'm trying to embrace this as a wonderful and blissful adventure. Difficult, but like you said -- God's got this. And thank YOU for your sweet comment! :D
I definitely understand that kind of fear. I deal with it every time I have to make a big decision or I'm faced with changes. I've started gathering an encouraging playlist of songs I empathize with to keep me focused on my goal. Some of the songs include "Go the Distance" from Disney's Hercules and "Gravity" from Wolf's Rain.
You are the best! I love your encouraging playlist. What a smart idea! I think that is just the best. It so helps to have something uplifting to fill your heart and soul with when you are feeling down and discouraged. Thank you so much for this radical comment and epic reminder! :)