Wednesday, April 1, 2015

i have these thoughts so often i ought

Being on Spring Break is kind of odd for me.

I enjoy it, yes, don't get me wrong. But I must admit that it leaves extra time for me to think. And I don't always want to be alone with my thoughts.

Something I have been feeling guilty about lately is my spiritual walk. At Bible college, I'm constantly in the Word and thinking about God and fixing my eyes on eternal things, because the structure and curriculum of the school allows for that. But here on break, it's harder. I have to make time or intentionally fix my thoughts on Christ. No one is telling me to do these things.

It's not that I've neglected the Lord entirely, but lately I've been afraid that if I'm not always constantly reading my Bible or thinking about/praying to God than I'm a "bad Christian". We're all sinners saved by grace, so what does that mean, anyway?!

The devil uses these ideas of legalism, aka the mindset of "what I can do for God" and my own failure to attain self-righteousness to make me feel bad when I should be enjoying such a wonderful time of rest. And really, my own inability to offer God anything at all (even when I feel spiritually strong and think I can) should point me back to the glorious Gospel of grace, which tells me that God has already attained all the righteousness for me. These are days of grace!

This verse is one of my favorites and definitely my prayer for my mindset today:

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." ~ Exodus 14:14

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