Friday, September 12, 2014


I have been writing the mundane and wonderfully beautiful details of my life in notebook pages for over a decade now. I began writing in my first journal at the tender age of 10, when I was in the fourth grade. Now, I am 21, and beginning my junior year of college at the Bible Institute!

21 years of life.
20 journals.

All of my journals say something about who I was at a particular point in my life. When I'm super nostalgic, I'll look back at one of these earlier volumes and laugh at all the crazy things younger me wrote. I love that I have a physical remembrance of the person I was in the past, even though it can be odd because I feel so far removed from that girl.

And now I am leaving for Bible college, a journey I've been anticipating for what feels like the better part of 2 years. Everything God has given me in my life so far has been leading me up to this moment. I'm astounded at His goodness, but at the same time, I feel so weak in myself. I am in need of so much of God's touch and grace in my life. There is no strength in me.

I am infinitely glad that He has led me this far and does not give up on His child, but instead has wonderful plans of peace for me.

So begins the best year of my life.


  1. Hm. This makes my journaling pathetic. :) I was never good at keeping a consistent journal. . .but this is so neat! You're going to cherish these forever. My sister's and I love to look back at my mother's diaries when she was twelve or so. . .

  2. This is such an exciting time! I can't wait to hear how the Lord will grow and stretch you this year!
    I also love to look back at journals! Sadly, I was not very faithful in keeping up with journals until about two years ago, but I love that you have such a collection!


Go with grace.